Affordable Insurance a Division of The Financial Advisory Group, Inc.’s primary focus is Capital Preservation of our client’s assets, which is accomplished by the creation of a collaborative business relationship with several independent business owners with similar beliefs and practices.

The Company understands the importance of investing one’s time and assets to acquire the proper knowledge of current and pending legislation that could affect our client’s objectives.

As Licensed Professionals in the State of Illinois our group of independent business owner represents a unique area of expertise to address our client’s requirements. The Group offers Self-funded Pension Plans, Life Insurance, Health and Life Insurance Policies for Individuals and Small Group Employee Benefits, Estate & Financial Planning.

Affordable Insurance a Division of The Financial Advisory Group, Inc. provides solutions to shield our clients from unexpected financial issues due to Market Volatility, Spending-down their asset’s to qualify and receive Medicaid benefits, with-out spending down their assets to $110,000 for married couples and $2,000 for singles, avoidance of probate, an unexpected death of a family member and solutions to protect their assets from creditors, Tax Deferred and Tax Free Income.

Affordable Insurance a Division of The Financial Advisory Group, Inc. is a proud member of the National Ethics Association, whose task is to investigate companies for any complaint’s pertaining to poor business practices, financial issues and potential legal issues. ( or Phone 800-282-1831

We believe by forming a sound business partnership with the Financial Advisory Group Inc., that together we will formulate a sound (SAFE) investment strategy, based on the information we collect, to satisfy your retirement goals and guaranteeing a constant flow of Income you can-not out live and ensuring any remaining assets will be past to your beneficiaries. Plan for Inflation!

Call 630-969-3085 for a free no obligation consultation to learn the effects of inflation on your retirement assets and how long your retirement assets can be expected to provide for your retirement needs.

 Email Address TL***@Th*********************.com
 Contact Number: (630) 969-3085